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淡化細紋|緊緻肌膚| 水潤柔軟
純露是天然傳統護膚智慧。純露(Hydrosol) 是在蒸餾精油過程中,精油浮面而水在底部,是製造精油時的副產品。密度不同的精油會浮在上面,水份則沉澱在下面,精油下部分水稱為純露。純露含有少量精油成份外,還含有許多植物水溶性養分,對皮膚有調和的作用,親膚性極高。氣味上會與精油類似但不完全相同,純露十分温和,可以安全地使用於孕婦、小孩及動物身上。
◆ 索馬利亞乳香純露
◆ 水解羽扇豆蛋白
◆ 菸鹼醯胺 (維他命B3)Niacinamide
維他命 B3已被證實對於皮膚的水合作用相當重要。能啟動並幫助皮膚增加外在防護最重要的保濕脂質-神經醯胺成分。當表皮層強化防護功能,皮膚才能保留水分,並將刺激物隔離在外。維他命 B3 的抗炎功能可明顯改善玫瑰痤瘡引起的泛紅 。抑制發炎性細胞,平衡油脂,補水同時控制出油,改善粉刺及粗大毛孔,阻止黑色素的傳遞過程,減少角質細胞的黑色素聚積數目,使膚色更白皙,達到淡化色斑的效果,是全能的成份。
◆ 銀耳多醣體萃取(Tremella Polysaccharide)
零刺激的銀耳多醣體萃取為天然植物性保濕劑,銀耳多醣體的化學結構特殊,具有吸收水分並鎖水的作用, 目前滋潤保濕效果持久,質地溫和適合長期使用。塗於皮膚上會形成透明薄膜,明顯提高皮膚角質層含水率,降低皮膚水分流失。銀耳還具有清除自由基的作用,其中所含的類超氧歧化酶活性,更具有抗氧化、延緩老化的功效。
◆ 有機有機乳香精油
Product features
Designed for Summer time with light moisturizing. Contains a 90% organic natural ingredients included Rose Otto. Helps softness, moisturized and elasticity for the skin, renewal of skin and eliminate uneven skin tone and dullness.
Suitable Skin Types
◎suitable for all skin types, especially for dull skin
❌not suitable for pregnant women
❌ This product contains Argan Oil , not suitable for people who are allergen to tree nuts (almonds).
Active Ingredients
◆ Olive Squalane
Olive Squalane is a light and stable version of olive oil squalene, it is light and easily absorbed. Squalene is found naturally in the sebum of human skin and is believed to lubricate and protect skin. An excellent natural emollient that smoothes and softens skin, improves elasticity, protects against moisture loss.
◆Organic Demask Rose Hydrosol
Steam distilling by organic Rose Otto (Rosa damascena) from kazanlak Bulgaria, smells just like a fresh Rose garden and brings a sense of well-being and peace to the senses. Certified organic, 100% pure and natural food-grade product and does not contain any additives, preservatives or synthetic substances. Rose hydrosol contain the water-soluble active principles of Rose Otto. They retain a tiny amount of essential oil compounds. It can help prevent the signs of ageing and nourish the skin. Rose hydrosol also has natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
◆Rose Otto Bulgarian Essential Oil
Use World top Bulgarian Organic Rose Otto Essential oil produced by steam distilled at a low temperature from freshly picked roses from the Damask rose. Rose Otto Essential oil is powerful in moisturizing and nourishing. Also excellent in anti- oxidant, anti-wrinkle and firming effect, it can promote cell turnover and stimulate the skin back into production. Especially for dry and ageing skin types.
◆Organic cold pressed Moroccan Argan oil
Enriched in Vitamin E, essential fatty acids (namely, oleic acid and linoleic acid) argan oil has extremely hydrating effects for dry skin, helps restore the appearance of texture and tone and help prevent wrinkles, reduce inflammation, soothe skin and improve moisture.
乳液/乳霜 天然玫瑰精油花香︱滋潤保濕︱消除膚色暗沉
❌ 玫瑰精油有通經助產的作用,因此孕婦需避免使用。
❌ 此產品含澳洲堅果油,對木本堅果敏感人士不宜使用。
◆ 有機大馬士革玫瑰純露
◆ 橄欖角鯊烯
◆ 有機玫瑰果油
含豐富的維他命A、 C、E等,促進皮膚增生新細胞,減輕色素沉著,增加皮膚彈性,減輕皺紋產生,高效抗老化作用。
◆ 保加利亞玫瑰谷有機奧圖玫瑰純精油
❌ 玫瑰精油有通經助產的作用,因此孕婦需避免使用。
使用方法 How to Use
潔面後,取適量塗抹於臉部,待10-15分鐘,先用紙巾清去後洗淨即可。 每星期可使用2-3次或按個人需要加減。之後進行日常護膚程序。
產品資料 Product Notes
【使用量】 使用量以覆蓋皮膚量1-2mm為準或以個人喜好加減 / 2-3個月使用量(約)
【保質期】 十二個月保質期 / 開封後六個月內請盡快使用完 / 請使用乾淨小匙取用
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
- 不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
- 產品顏色/香氣來自天然植物提取物、植物油及/或精油。大自然就是如此獨特,植物本有生命,因季節而異,因此您可預期我們產品的顏色、香氣和質地可能會因批次不盡相同,但不影響品質。請放心使用。
產品特色Product features
適合膚質 Suitable Skin Types
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹| 泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
有效成份 Active Ingredients
◆ 有機金盞花浸泡油
浸泡油是一種精油的萃取方法之一,把新鮮或曬乾的香草植物,放在相應的基礎油浸泡,通過幾個星期甚至更久的浸泡,釋放出精油和其他脂溶性物質如脂溶性維他命、以及其他高活性的化學成分。採用ECOCERT有機認證金盞花浸泡油,含豐富胡蘿蔔素和亞油酸主要作用為止痛、殺菌、消炎,處理皮膚疾病。有效消炎舒緩、消腫、抗菌、抗黴、收斂、消炎傷口癒合等功效。使用方法 How to Use
產品資料 Product Notes
【使用量】 需要時用於肌膚的濕疹位薄薄塗一層
【保質期】十二個月保質期 / 開封後六個月內請盡快使用完
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
- 不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
- 產品顏色/香氣來自天然植物提取物、植物油及/或精油。大自然就是如此獨特,植物本有生命,因季節而異,因此您可預期我們產品的顏色、香氣和質地可能會因批次不盡相同,但不影響品質。請放心使用。
All-natural vegetable oil formula | Long-last moisturizing | Reduce dry, itchy skin | Relieve cold discomfort
Anhydrous, all-natural vegetable oil formula shower oil includes jojoba oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil and natural organic compound essential oils. Use it with a sponge or bath ball to form a fine foam, which cleanses the body while leaving a protective film on the skin, reducing the risk of Dry, itchy and uncomfortable skin. It is less irritating than ordinary shower gel. The cooling bath oil is moisturizing and non-greasy at the same time. After use, the skin will be long-lasting moisturized, silky and soft, and the skin will restore its natural barrier. Very suitable for people suffering from dry, itchy and sensitive skin.
This bath oil is designed for people with cold symptoms. Essential oils themselves have been shown to have effective antibacterial and antiviral properties. Combined with strong bactericidal but mild thyme agarwood essential oil, Australian eucalyptus essential oil, gum fir and other essential oils. Effectively relieve respiratory infection symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, phlegm, etc. causing respiratory discomfort. At the same time, real lavender essential oil is added to help improve sleep quality, enhance immunity, and help the body heal quickly.
Sincerely recommend to especially children/elderly people who have cold symptoms. It is recommended to use daily bathing to absorb the essential oil ingredients. Bathing can also help relieve cold symptoms, make children/elderly people sleep well, and help the body heal quickly.
Your first step serum to helps protect the skin
Product features
Different from the essence of Vitamin B3 ingredients in the market, we use 100% certified organic and pure German Chamomile and Linden Hydrosols to become a serum water bases. It can soothe sensitive and reddened skin and repair skin sebum membrane, improve skin surface barrier function. Repair dry and damaged skin, Inhibits inflammatory cells and control oily and enlarged pore skin types, ideal for sensitive and eczema skin types.
Suitable Skin Types
◎all skin types
◎especially for dry, sensitive skin, acne inflammatory skin
Active Ingredients
◆Niacinamide ( Vitamin B3)
Vitamin B3 is an all-round ingredients, it shown to be important for hydration of the skin. The most important moisturizing lipid-neuroguanamine ingredient that can initiate and help the skin to increase external protection. The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin B3 can significantly improve the redness caused by rose acne. It inhibits inflammatory cells, balances oil, hydrates and controls oil, improves acne and enlarged pores, prevents melanin from transferring, makes skin tone whiter, and reduces the effect of pigmentation. Medicine has proven that a concentration of 2 to 5% Niacinamide can be achieved a good results
ceramides are lipids (fats) that occur naturally in skin that help to maintain the skin barrier and retain moisture and hydration. It helps to think of ceramides as the building blocks in your skin; in addition to possessing hydration-boosting properties, they're especially key for maintaining long-term hydration and strengthening the skin's surface against environmental stressors and repair dry and damaged skin.
◆Organic Linden hydrosol
Use Linden hydrosol (Tilia vulgaris) is a certified organic, 100% pure and natural food-grade product and does not contain any additives, preservatives or synthetic substances. Linden Blossom Hydrosol is known for its calming effects on the nervous system and is one of the best hydrosols for use with dry eczema, psoriasis and eczema conditions where it soothes the reddened or itching skin with its anti-inflammatory effects.
◆ Organic German Chamomile hydrosol
Use German Chamomile hydrosol (Matricaria recutita) is a certified organic, 100% pure and natural food-grade product and does not contain any additives, preservatives or synthetic substances. German chamomile hydrosol is a popular plant for medicinal purposes and has been used in various ways by numerous cultures throughout history for its sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹|玫瑰痤瘡|泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
◆ 有機琉璃苣油
琉璃苣油含有豐富的γ-次亞麻油酸(GLA)含量高達25%, 是維護皮膚健康的必須脂肪酸。使細胞保留較多的水分,GLA轉化成前列腺素PGE1有效抑制發炎。對於皮膚發炎敏感問題,如濕疹、乾癬、皮膚乾燥發癢、青春痘,也有改善的作用。
◆ 瓊崖海棠油
◆ 有機德國洋甘菊精油
適合膚質 Suitable Skin Types
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹|玫瑰痤瘡|泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
◆ 有機德國洋甘菊純露
◆ 燕麥萃取
What is Active Ampoules?
- 不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
- 產品顏色/香氣來自天然植物提取物、植物油及/或精油。大自然就是如此獨特,植物本有生命,因季節而異,因此您可預期我們產品的顏色、香氣和質地可能會因批次不盡相同,但不影響品質。請放心使用。
使用方法 How to Use
潔面後,將一包「Step 1」泥面膜及加入一包「step 2 」調和液放入器皿中。攪拌成泥狀,泥漿厚度可根據個人喜好調配。厚敷於面上,以不見毛孔為佳。停留10至15分鐘再以溫水沖洗。之後進行日常護膚程序。
Anhydrous, all-natural vegetable oil formula shower oil includes jojoba oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil and natural organic compound essential oils. Use it with a sponge or bath ball to form a fine foam, which cleanses the body while leaving a protective film on the skin, reducing the risk of Dry, itchy and uncomfortable skin. It is less irritating than ordinary shower gel. The cooling bath oil is moisturizing and non-greasy at the same time. After use, the skin will be long-lasting moisturized, silky and soft, and the skin will restore its natural barrier. Very suitable for people suffering from dry, itchy and sensitive skin.
Bathing is the best time to relax your body and mind. Essential oils have been proven to be effective in relieving stress, anxiety, and relaxation . Good Night's Sleep Essential Oil is formulated with real lavender, petitgrain, and vetiver essential oils to help relieve fatigue and improve sleep quality while getting ready for sleep.