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乳液/乳霜 天然玫瑰精油花香︱滋潤保濕︱消除膚色暗沉
❌ 玫瑰精油有通經助產的作用,因此孕婦需避免使用。
❌ 此產品含澳洲堅果油,對木本堅果敏感人士不宜使用。
◆ 有機大馬士革玫瑰純露
◆ 橄欖角鯊烯
◆ 有機玫瑰果油
含豐富的維他命A、 C、E等,促進皮膚增生新細胞,減輕色素沉著,增加皮膚彈性,減輕皺紋產生,高效抗老化作用。
◆ 保加利亞玫瑰谷有機奧圖玫瑰純精油
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹|玫瑰痤瘡|泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
◆ 有機琉璃苣油
琉璃苣油含有豐富的γ-次亞麻油酸(GLA)含量高達25%, 是維護皮膚健康的必須脂肪酸。使細胞保留較多的水分,GLA轉化成前列腺素PGE1有效抑制發炎。對於皮膚發炎敏感問題,如濕疹、乾癬、皮膚乾燥發癢、青春痘,也有改善的作用。
◆ 瓊崖海棠油
◆ 有機德國洋甘菊精油
Product features
A gentle, non-foaming formula that gently removes dirt from the face, does not over-wash off excess oil on the face and feels dry. The skin is soft and comfortable after use. With different vegetable oils, it can resist oxidation. Combine with different essential oils including rose geranium essential oil, enjoy the rose scents during cleansing.
Suitable Skin Types
◎Suitable for all skin types
Active Ingredients
◆ Organic Japanese Camellia Oil
Camellia oil contains more than 80% oleic acid, has a strong cell wall penetration effect, and is very similar to human sebum, easily penetrates the inner layer, and has excellent skin affinity. It can not only supplement sebum, but also form a good surface on the skin Help cell activation and regeneration. Especially for mature, damaged, dry and aging skin
◆ Organic Evening Primrose Oil
Organic Certified Evening Primrose Oil, which contains 7% linoleic acid GLA, is an unsaturated fatty acid. This is important component of the body's cell membrane can resist inflammation, relieve eczema, and the skin can relieve menstrual pain. Makes the skin soft and improves the problem of dry desquamation.
◆ Organic rose geranium essential oil
Skin balancing, promote skin recovery and cell regeneration, sweet floral scent, like a rose scents . It can also invigorate and relieve stress.
Product features
Designed for sensitive, eczema & rosacea skin types. Contains a 90% organic natural ingredients, helps softness, moisturized and elasticity for the skin and soothes inflamed and sensitive skin and improves the skin's protection.
Suitable Skin Types
◎all skin types
◎especially for dry, sensitive, eczema , Rosacea, Psoriasis
Active Ingredients
◆ Organic German Chamomile hydrosol
Use German Chamomile hydrosol (Matricaria recutita) is a certified organic, 100% pure and natural food-grade product and does not contain any additives, preservatives or synthetic substances. German chamomile hydrosol is a popular plant for medicinal purposes and has been used in various ways by numerous cultures throughout history for its sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
◆ Organic Borage Oil
Borage oil is enrich with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content up to 25% and is an essential fatty acid for skin health. The conversion of GLA to prostaglandin PGE1 effectively inhibits inflammation, eczema, dryness, itchy and acne skin.
◆ Olive Squalane
Olive Squalane is a light and stable version of olive oil squalene, it is light and easily absorbed. Squalene is found naturally in the sebum of human skin and is believed to lubricate and protect skin. An excellent natural emollient that smoothes and softens skin, improves elasticity, protects against moisture loss.
◆ Organic German Chamomile Essential Oil
Chamazulene is a chemical constituent found in German Chamomile Essential Oil. German chamomile essential oil contains about 24% of chamazulene. It is very effective anti-inflammatory ingredient for sensitive, reddish, dry and allergic skin problems, it is also effective for sensitive, eczema, psoriasis and various other skin problems.
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹|玫瑰痤瘡|泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
◆ 有機德國洋甘菊純露
◆ 有機琉璃苣油
琉璃苣油含有豐富的γ-次亞麻油酸(GLA)含量高達25%, 是維護皮膚健康的必須脂肪酸。使細胞保留較多的水分,GLA轉化成前列腺素PGE1有效抑制發炎。對於皮膚發炎敏感問題,如濕疹、乾癬、皮膚乾燥發癢、青春痘,也有改善的作用。
◆ 橄欖角鯊烯
◆ 有機德國洋甘菊精油
Product features
Cornflower B5 Moisturizing Eye Cream can relieve fatigue around the eyes while moisturizing, reduce eye lines caused by dryness, pulling on the eyelids or with Cons, slow down the appearance of dark circles and under-eye bags.
Suitable Skin Types
◎suitable for all skin types
Active Ingredients
◆Organic Cornflower Hydrosol
Cornflower hydrosol is an excellent for eye care. Compress for reducing the appearance of puffy eyes. Cornflower Hydrosol is useful as a compress for fatigued, tired, and itchy eyes.
◆Organic Baobab Oil
Organic Baobab Oil also called the “super fruit” due to its richness in omega-3, antioxidants & vitamin A, F. Light texture and high moisturizing for easy to absorb into skin.
◆Organic Arnica infused Oil
Arnica is works by stimulating the activity of white blood cells to relieve congestion, thereby reducing under-eye bags. And when it disperses some of the red blood cells pooled beneath thin under-eye skin, dark circles can disappear.