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Product features
A gentle, non-foaming formula that gently removes dirt from the face, does not over-wash off excess oil on the face and feels dry. The skin is soft and comfortable after use. With different vegetable oils, it can resist oxidation. Combine with different essential oils including rose geranium essential oil, enjoy the rose scents during cleansing.
Suitable Skin Types
◎Suitable for all skin types
Active Ingredients
◆ Organic Japanese Camellia Oil
Camellia oil contains more than 80% oleic acid, has a strong cell wall penetration effect, and is very similar to human sebum, easily penetrates the inner layer, and has excellent skin affinity. It can not only supplement sebum, but also form a good surface on the skin Help cell activation and regeneration. Especially for mature, damaged, dry and aging skin
◆ Organic Evening Primrose Oil
Organic Certified Evening Primrose Oil, which contains 7% linoleic acid GLA, is an unsaturated fatty acid. This is important component of the body's cell membrane can resist inflammation, relieve eczema, and the skin can relieve menstrual pain. Makes the skin soft and improves the problem of dry desquamation.
◆ Organic rose geranium essential oil
Skin balancing, promote skin recovery and cell regeneration, sweet floral scent, like a rose scents . It can also invigorate and relieve stress.
❌ 不適合孕婦使用
有效成份 Active Ingredients
使用方法 How to Use
產品資料 Product Notes
【保質期】 十二個月保質期 / 開封後六個月內請盡快使用完
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
- 不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
- 產品顏色/香氣來自天然植物提取物、植物油及/或精油。大自然就是如此獨特,植物本有生命,因季節而異,因此您可預期我們產品的顏色、香氣和質地可能會因批次不盡相同,但不影響品質。請放心使用。
The ingredients are selected from high-standard organic jojoba oil, organic sweet almond oil, shea butter and moisturizing and moisture-locking B5 ingredients. The texture is refreshing and non-sticky, has a strong emollient effect and can be quickly absorbed by the skin. It deeply moisturizes and repairs the skin, forming an invisible moisture-locking film on the surface of the skin, effectively blocking moisture loss, and implementing a truly moisturizing hand cream! Pure organic sweet rose geranium essential oil aroma, warm floral notes, soft scent soothing mood.
◎適合於中性至油性 |暗瘡 |暗粒膚質
◆桃柘酚 (Totarol TM )
來自新西蘭的有機認證專利成分 - 桃柘酚擁強效的殺死痤瘡桿菌和抗氧化功能。以抗腐爛力著名。桃柘羅漢松幹木蕊中含有桃拓酚,具有強大的抗菌性及抗氧化力。桃柘酚對抗革蘭氏陽性及革蘭氏陰性菌的能力更佳。桃柘酚屬於一種萬能的抗氧化劑,非常的安定,可以在死木頭中萃取。其具有強大的抗菌性,能夠調理肌膚,舒緩肌膚不適感,改善痘痘的問題,平衡肌膚油脂分泌。
◆Zinc PCA
控油成分,具有優良的抗菌性能,可以藉由抑制5-α還原酶,减少皮脂的過度分泌,防止毛孔堵塞;亦可以抑制痤瘡丙酸杆菌,降低脂化酵素的活性,預防粉刺 ,暗瘡形成。