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The first step to protect the dry and sensitive skin.
Product features
Calendula and chamomile ingredients are good for dry, sensitive and eczema skin, using their sedative reddening properties to produce synergistic effects. A gentle, non-foaming formula that gently removes dirt from the face, does not over-wash off excess oil on the face and feels dry,which is especially recommended for people with sensitive or dry skin or skin prone to allergies, psoriasis, or eczema. The skin is soft and comfortable after use.
Suitable Skin Types
◎Suitable for all skin types
Active Ingredients
◆ Organic Calendula macerated oil
Use Organic Calendula flowers macerated with Organic sunflower oil. IIt rules with it's extraordinary anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It is suitable to help in the treatment of a number of ailments including eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
◆ Organic Lavender Vera Essential Oil
We are use Lavender Vera Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is certified organic, 100% pure and natural from Bulgaria. It is one of the best anti-inflammatory and calming essential oils that can regenerate cells, maintain a balance of sebum secretion, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, improve insomnia, and remove acne without leaving scars.
◆ Organic Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
Its aroma has a fruity-herby scent, somewhat sweet, and very calming. It can calms the skin with its mild anestheitc properties. Roman chamomile promotes smooth, healthy skin and relieves irritations because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It has been used as a natural remedy for eczema, wounds, ulcers, skin irritations.
◆ Organic Evening Primrose Oil
Organic Certified Evening Primrose Oil, which contains 7% linoleic acid GLA, is an unsaturated fatty acid. This is important component of the body's cell membrane can resist inflammation, relieve eczema, and the skin can relieve menstrual pain. Makes the skin soft and improves the problem of dry desquamation.
◎特別乾性 |敏感性|濕疹|玫瑰痤瘡|泛紅皮膚 |牛皮癬膚質
使用方法 How to Use
潔面後,取適量塗抹於臉部,待10-15分鐘,先用紙巾清去後洗淨即可。 每星期可使用2-3次或按個人需要加減。之後進行日常護膚程序。
產品資料 Product Notes
【使用量】 使用量以覆蓋皮膚量1-2mm為準或以個人喜好加減 / 2-3個月使用量(約)
【保質期】 十二個月保質期 / 開封後六個月內請盡快使用完 / 請使用乾淨小匙取用
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
- 不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
- 產品顏色/香氣來自天然植物提取物、植物油及/或精油。大自然就是如此獨特,植物本有生命,因季節而異,因此您可預期我們產品的顏色、香氣和質地可能會因批次不盡相同,但不影響品質。請放心使用。
套裝共有 7片面膜包括:
- 白玫瑰極潤保濕面膜 2片
- 高地真正薰衣草鎮靜保濕面膜 2片
- 乳香緊緻更生面膜 2片
- 橙花水嫩亮白面膜 1片
深度補水 ,極致保濕,有助均勻提亮肌膚的光澤度,令肌膚回復水潤細緻。
水嫩保濕 | 擊退暗沉 | 溫和亮白
促進肌膚再生 | 撫平皺紋
【使用量】二至三泵或根據個人喜好加減 / 2-3個月使用量(約)
【保質期】 二十四個月保質期 / 開封後十二個月內請盡快使用完
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
不含SLS/不含酒精/不含礦物油/不含人造香料及色素/ 不含化學防腐劑 / 不做動物測試
本身有 9%的伽瑪亞麻油酸(GLA),都是能調節荷爾蒙平衡,以舒解經前症候群。是對經痛有幫助的植物底油。
含72%酒精,由天然植物甘蔗衍生的植物性香水級乙醇 (酒精) 。氣味極低,不會有重重難聞的刺鼻酒精味。包括植物性甘作滋潤皮膚的保濕劑,複方精油添加作抗菌作用。
◆ 72% 乙醇(Ethanol)
使用符合世衛建議的濃度95%乙醇製作,稀釋後酒精濃度為72%。使用由天然植物甘蔗提煉的植物性香水級乙醇 (酒精) 。氣味極低,不會有重重難聞的刺鼻酒精味。
產品資料 Product Notes
【容量】35ml, 150ml, 250ml
【使用量】 1-2個月使用量(約)
【保質期】 六個月保質期 / 開封後三個月內請盡快使用完
【儲存】 避免陽光直接照射,請儲存在陰暗及乾爽地方
Product features
【Organic Hydrosol to be mask water base 】
Hydrosol is the natural traditional skin care wisdom & beauty secrets. Steam distilled by organic herb, it can contain the water-soluble active principles of herb. Hydrosol simply means, ‘hydro’ or water and ‘sol’ or solution, that is, the water solution that contains some of the water soluble micro-molecules of essential oil as well as water-soluble plant components. These micro molecules of essential oil give the hydrosol its scent and essential oil therapy and the plant components give the hydrosol its herbal or floral therapy. They are quite fragrant and have a pH of 4.5 to5.5 or so.
fomulated by Essence Serum.
Ultra-thin plant fibres silk paper masks from Japan which is extremely invisible, sticky, Non-irritating and skin friendly. The mask soft and close to face, with strong aqua absorbency, it can carry more essences serums from paper mask to the skin.
【Paper Mask Bag】
Higher standard food grade mask bags, Manufacturers produce products that have passed SGS food grade testing. The process is in accordance with the food hygiene and safety contraol “HACCP” food safety and hygienic conditions.
Suitable Skin Types
◎All skin types
Active Ingredients
◆Organic Levender Vera Hydrosol
Steam distilling by organic Lavender Vera (Lavandula angustifolia Vera), smells just like sweet floral notes. Certified organic, 100% pure and natural food-grade product and does not contain any additives, preservatives or synthetic substances.
◆nano-sizedHyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid is a deeply hydrating ingredient also is our bodies naturally produce. It's a water-holding ingredient which helps to keep skin plump and hydrated.one molecule can retain over 1000 times its weight in water within skin cells, which makes it a fantastic plumping moisturizer. tge nano-sized Hyaluronic Acid also can infused into the dermis, it penetrates deeply into the skin., eeping skin supple.
◆Niacinamide ( Vitamin B3)
Vitamin B3 is an all-round ingredients, it shown to be important for hydration of the skin. The most important moisturizing lipid-neuroguanamine ingredient that can initiate and help the skin to increase external protection. The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin B3 can significantly improve the redness caused by rose acne. It inhibits inflammatory cells, balances oil, hydrates and controls oil, improves acne and enlarged pores, prevents melanin from transferring, makes skin tone whiter, and reduces the effect of pigmentation. Medicine has proven that a concentration of 2 to 5% Niacinamide can be achieved a good results
◆ Tremella Polysaccharide
Tremella polysaccharides is a natural plant-based humectants and zero skin irritate reaction. It has a function of absorbing and retain the skin's moisture. The moisturizing effect is durable.